Updated December 4, 2024

Inland Empire VHF Radio Amateurs

Net Preamble

QST, QST, QST. This is net control station (your call) calling together the Inland Empire VHF Radio Amateurs Net. This net meets on the 146.88 repeater with a negative 600 khz offset and a 123.0 hz sub-audible tone every Wednesday at 7:30 pm local time. If the repeater is unavailable we will use the alternate repeater 147.34 with a positive 600 khz offset and a 123.0 hz sub-audible tone. The purpose of this net is to give the amateurs within the service area of the VHF Club's four repeaters, a chance to meet on the air as a group and to exchange information of common interest to all amateur radio. Immediately following the net we will have a question and answer net and a shop and swap net.

Any stations with emergency traffic please break in at any time.

Calling for Inland Empire VHF Radio Amateurs club officials and other board members:

President: Jeff NZ2S
Vice President: Dan NV2Z
Secretary & Treasurer: Matt KI7NOO
Director: Karl AK2O
Director: Harold AD7QJ
Director: Anthony N7AWP

Once again this is net control station (your call), my name is (your name), and I am located in (your location).

All stations are invited and encouraged to check in. When checking in please give your call, your name and location. List your traffic, reports, and announcements, and hold until after roll call is completed. If you are able to hear someone attempting to check in, but not making it into the repeater, please notify net control so we may help the station check in after net.

I will now begin the alphabetical roll call. All stations with call sign suffixes beginning with Alpha through Delta please come now.

Echo through India

Juliet through November

Oscar through Sierra

Tango through Zulu

Now calling for Echolink stations

Now calling for visiting stations

Again this is Net Control Station ( your call). Calling for bulletins and announcements, please come now.

Calling for late and missed stations Alpha thru Mike. November thru Zulu.

We will now begin a Questions and Answer Net. Anyone that has a problem or questions please come with your call sign now.

Anyone that is interested in the Shop and Swap Net, come now with your call sign.

Last call for anything to come before the Net.

Good evening and thank you everyone for checking in. This is Net Control Station (your call) closing the Inland Empire VHF Radio Amateurs net. Good night everyone. ( your call).